August 26, 2014 Mn Mnr

Nick Page [Dubulah] (musician and producer)


I remember arriving at Real World Recording Week for the first time in 1994 and being impressed by how serene the mill and gardens looked… I was working with Transglobal Underground at the time. No-one else in our music world was doing anything like the Recording Week, and I was deeply impressed by it.

I remember Peter recording in the loft studio, and Natacha Atlas singing there…

I remember sharing two bottles of brandy with PG and Neil Sparkes at a party during which I was convinced a man who looked like Eno was in fact not Eno. Of course it was Eno, and another chance to ask a hero of mine questions about his lyrics passed…

I remember recording Syriana – ‘Peter’s Room’, ‘Ipiros’ and ‘Love in a Time of Chaos’ live in The Wood Room studio; recording Samuel Yirga’s album in The Big Room. Great moments for me.

And I remember some very happy Tequila Mezcal moments as we swapped obscure bottles from Mexico in the old Real World Records offices…

I remember Tsedenia wanting to move into her accommodation permanently when we were recording Dub Colossus’ first album at Real World, and Mimi Zenebe pointing out that four of her could fit in the big bath (she got on fully clothed to make her point).


My favourite memory though is of Mr Swan, or Sid the Swan, who gave “vicious” a new meaning, and had the most testosterone of any living creature I have ever met! He would attack his own reflection in the glass of the Big Room studio while we were mixing the Los de Abajo album (as Temple of Sound).

Many people have come and gone at Real World and WOMAD, bless them all. But it has been the place where many good things happened for me and those I have been lucky enough to work with… for which I give thanks.

Real World Records

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